Do you have any old photos of Clacton Pier

by Nigel Brown Jun 26 2018 4     5,614
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May 14 , 2018


The search is on for old photos of Clacton Pier to be used as part of a historical project on the town’s iconic landmark.

The Pier wants to set up a new section on its website, pulling together information and images from right across the decades.

The aim is to collate a collection of photos showing buildings, rides, events and other occasions of interest during the structure’s 147-year-old history.

A number of people and organisations have already been contacted and have agreed to help out with the initiative – including past owners’ families as well as Norman Jacobs of the Clacton Historical Society.

Now the Pier is keen to hear from residents and visitors who may be in possession of interesting shots, some of which may never have been available to the public before and which they are willing to be used on the website.

Nigel Brown, Clacton Pier’s Communications Manager, will be compiling the information and images, to help make the section as comprehensive as possible.

“The Pier will soon be 150-years-old and the current owners – the Ball family – are keen to chart its colourful history in images and words,” he said.

“The idea is to create an area on the website where people can find out as much as possible about the Pier and then we can update it as the years go by.

“We already have some great photos from the early days – but are happy to receive more – but we are especially lacking from the 1960s to 2000.

“I am sure that there will be people out there who have some fantastic shots from that time and might be willing to share them with us.”

Any photos should be scanned and emailed to

The person who sends in what is judged to be the best photo will receive an annual pass for the Pier for up to four people worth around £200. The runner-up will have the choice of a wristband for a family of four for unlimited rides for a day or £60 worth of Pier credit or an annual fishing pass.


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Andy Grint 6 years ago

Sorry, Commemorative picture, not commentator

Andy Grint 6 years ago

Great idea, I Love reading about the history of the pier. Just wondered if there are any plans for some sort of plaque or commentator picture etc celebrating clown Bertram and all he did to bring pleasure to thousands of people on the pier. Only found his story a few years ago and feel it's a real shame that there isn't just a little thankyou/reminder.
All the best

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